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At the end of the battle the Alliance of Light’s troops arrived
At the end of the battle the Alliance of Light’s troops arrived
to provide support. Th e city’s ruins were thus taken back from
to provide support. Th e city’s ruins were thus taken back from
the enemy.
the enemy.In spite of their exemplary bravery, the Dogs of War remained
nothing more than outlaws in their allies’ eyes. Th anks to his
charisma, Vanius nevertheless managed to preserve the independence
of his Cadwallon.
According to the tale, while Alahan’s emissaries were mocking
his wish to build a kingdom on this fi eld of ruins, Vanius
pulled out an old battered gold coin and threw it at the Barhan’s
feet, replying: “Sir, these remains please you so little that I make
them my kingdom for a ducat!”
Th us, aware that he couldn’t give himself the title of king
without upsetting his allies, yet refusing to recognize Alahan’s
authority by becoming a baron, Vanius took the title of duke, an
old Barhan military rank.
Despite his defeat, Sophet Drahas, hidden underground, nevertheless
managed to spread his infl uence over the city. Still today
many local legends mention his name and he continues to
plot to take control of Cadwallon.
*''Birth of a duchy''
Vanius’s tour de force gave birth to the free city of Cadwallon
in 832. Th e offi cers who remained with their leader founded
the city’s fi rst noble lineages and were able to mine unexpected
riches from the ground. Th ree years after it was founded, Vanius
carved out a domain for each house, thus establishing the fi rst
fi efdoms. At the same time he gave the city a militia.
==== The City of Thieves ====
Within a few years Cadwallon was reborn and was wealthier
than it had even been under the Cynwälls. Eternal prosperity
seemed to be on the horizon. Yet this was obviously merely a
*''The embassies''
One year after Vanius’ rise to power, the kingdom of Alahan
established an embassy in Cadwallon. Other diplomats soon
followed and the city looked proudly towards the future as it
kept growing.
In 844 the wish to turn the city into a place of learning led to
the founding of the Free University of Cadwallon. In many ways
this was a failure, Cadwallon being better known as the “City of
Th ieves” rather than the “City of Knowledge”!
Nowadays only the kingdom of Alahan, the republic of
Lanever, and the empires of Akkylannie and Syharhalna, as well
as the goblins of No-Dan-Kar, have an embassy in Cadwallon.
Th e other nations nevertheless regularly send envoys to negotiate
with the duke of the Free City.
*''The guilds''
As it grew and fl ourished over the years, Cadwallon welcomed
numerous craftsmen who assembled into guilds. Because prosperity
allowed a constant fl ow of economic and fi scal reforms,
within a couple of decades these guilds became major players
in the city’s power struggles. At the same time the old mercenary
traditions tended to fade away. Th e riches mined from the
ground no longer interested anyone and the guilds’ workshops
were more than enough to feed the common people and make
the greedier ones rich.
In spite of this, Cadwallon never knew a golden age. While the
wealthiest citizens fi nished building the upper city as it is known
since the fl ood of the year 900, Sophet Drahas prepared his return
and other powers tried to invade Cadwallon.
Th us, in 956 magical beings launched an attack on the city
from their elemental realm. In the face of this unexpected and
unknown enemy, only the original tactics of a foreign general
allowed then to triumph. Th is hero was then ennobled and gave
his name to a new fi efdom, Ghieronburg, a former goblin colony
near the harbor.

Revision as of 13:50, 15 May 2013

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