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Syharhalna and No-Dan-Kar). Th e use of Cynwäll terms, however,
Syharhalna and No-Dan-Kar). Th e use of Cynwäll terms, however,
is always impressive!
is always impressive!
== Cadwallon : Double City ==
Because it is built on top of the ruins of a Cynwäll city,
the upper city is in an enclosed citadel. Th e lower city,
on the other hand, has developed outside of the walls
lying at the feet of the legendary Dyrsin Tower.
Th e works planned by the various dukes haven’t always been
very successful. Even though the city has prospered in all parts,
many of its districts are especially crowded, making circulation
in the higher city as bad as in the lower city.
==== Getting Around ====
Th e Cadwës, at the urging of the more advanced communities
(dwarves and goblins), have developed several ways of getting
around in their city. Th e Jewel of Lanever has thus known an
unrivalled technological, scientifi c and industrial revolution on
the continent. Th is metamorphosis was accompanied by economic
and social advances that also came from No-Dan-Kar
and Tir-Nâ-Bor. Th is is so true that many immigrants think that
the city’s motto is “In Cadwallon, everything can be bought” instead
of “My kingdom for a ducat!”
No matter where one might be in the city, visiting Cadwallon
demands either unfailing courage and health or enough wealth
to be able to pay for effi cient yet extremely expensive means of
==== On water ====
Cadwallon lies across a vast peninsula. For strategic reasons
the city occupies the whole stretch of land to allow for better
surveillance of the waters lying on either side of it. Th us the Free
City protects the lands of Light from potential invasions. As for
the upper city, it engulfs the northern part of a lake that Cadwës
call the “little sea.”
*''By way of the sea''
In the north of the peninsula the Kraken harbor is the continent’s
biggest merchant port. It harbors vessels of the open seas
as well as a squadron of goblin pirates that ensures their “protection.”
Once on land, the visitor has a choice of several means
of locomotion: the bravest can walk, others can take a carriage,
and the wealthiest can use the Tractor. One can also reach the
port of Ondine, to the west, taking a small ferry. Th is maritime
route is used by the extremely wealthy who enjoy the view of the
city before reaching the fi efdom of Soma.
One can also reach Cadwallon by Shipwreck Bay, to the east.
Th e naval forces of the Ways of Light often choose to drop anchor
in these waters, for they are defended by an Akkylannian
fort built on a small island. Whoever wishes to use this route
must get clearance and strictly follow the instructions given by
the fort’s garrison. A cutter is then used to reach the upper city.
Th is journey re “Ducats make the strangers’ quires a generous donation to be made.
In Cadwallon the magical groves are one of nature’s
curiosities. Regardless of place or time, in a totally unpredictable
way, an abundance of plants sprouts anywhere,
on the street or in someone’s home. For Cadwës
these plants are a good omen of Nature, especially for
peoples such as the Sessairs, the orcs or the Wolfen.
Destroying a magical grove is a crime in the city. Th ese
small “jungles” are a great source of inspiration for
the designers of the guild of Tailors and the vegetal
fashions of the Cadwë nobles are a direct reference to
*''The waters of the lake''
For a long time the Cadwës of the upper city have enjoyed
the lake next to the gardens of desire. Th ese past few years the
construction of a marina has made boating easier on the little
sea. Certain of Cadwallon’s citizens have had piers built to take
better advantage of the lake. Th e city’s most wealthy families
quickly followed and now there are talks about organizing a regatta.
Th is persistent rumor has lasted for so long that it has
encouraged the construction of extravagant vessels built by
goblin or Barhan carpenters. By doing so sly craftsmen were
able to resell the wood from the trees that had been chopped
down to build the marina. Th e new district also allowed the development
of fi shing in the waters of the little sea. Th is activity
sometimes seems like a party when humongous fi sh are pulled
from the lake.
==== On land ====
In many parts of the lower city it is faster to walk than to
travel by carriage. Always looking for more comfort, the richest
citizens often use carriages, yet they take much longer than
pedestrians do to reach their destination. Indeed, the vendor’s
carts and stalls hinder the circulation of elegant carriages. In
some alleys even horsemen have a hard time making their way
through the tightly packed crowds.
==== Cadwë roads ====
Some parts of Soma lie inside old Cynwäll quarries and are
the most densely populated areas of the Free City. Th e dwellings
are stacked on top of each other on either side of narrow streets.
It is dangerous to travel there in any other way than on foot.
Th ese slums are home to a population living in misery and it
often happens that visitors are annoyed by beggars or attacked
by ruffi ans.
Th e streets of the lower city are worn by the weather and
the passage of overloaded carts. Th ough everyone agrees that
improvement of these roads is long overdue, only the Soma
family has actually done anything. Th eir fi efdom is indeed endowed
with better streets and a major artery, Paradise Avenue,
to make it easier for wagons to travel from the port of Ondine
to the upper city.
In the upper city, getting around is mainly question of hiring
the proper guide. Th ere are countless bridges linking the feet of
Dyrsin Tower and many of them are too narrow for wagons to
get over. Yet one can walk or ride along them, though the use of
mounts is strongly discouraged for safety reasons.
==== Revolution! ====
After three years of colossal construction, the Tractor has
fi nally been fi nished! Th is gigantic steam machine does the
round-trip between the Kraken harbor and the Ogrokh fi efdom
four times per day, pulling fi ve wagons (four for goods and one
for passengers).
It’s impossible for this mechanical monster to enter the upper
city. Th e goods are therefore transported from the gates to
the warehouses of the Stock. Once it is moving, it reaches the
speed of a trotting horse and does the trip in one hour. Initially
planned for 40 passengers, the last wagon is the victim of its
success. Its seats have therefore been removed to allow about
100 passengers of all sizes to squeeze in.
*''In the air''
Airborne transportation has been developed under the infl uence
of the aristocrats who, taking advantage of the Cynwäll
towers still standing, use hot air balloons for transportation in
the upper city. Unfortunately the strong winds that blow on the
coast prevent this form of transportation from becoming more
widespread. Furthermore, one can often see Lanever dragons
glide across the sky of Cadwallon to visit their titanic kin in the
Dyrsin Tower.
== The Fiefdoms of Cadwallon ==
Th e following pages present the 11 fi efdoms of Cadwallon:
eight in the lower city and three in the upper city. Th e fi efdoms
and their districts are all presented in the same way.
A map presents each fi efdom and its most famous districts. It
is accompanied by a short description of the fi efdom’s population
as well as of the motto of the governing family at its head.
Th is also includes information that is useful for the game: dominant
attitude, meaning the attitude that is the most common
among the NPCs who live in the fi efdom, and the FAITH, which
is used for the miracles of the faithful.
Th e history, the ruling family and the intrigues that are linked
to the fi efdom’s inhabitants follow the presentation of the atmosphere
during the day or at night.
Th e most famous districts are then presented with the dominant
attitude and the FAITH that are specifi c to each one.
Several locations are introduced for each district. Th eir names
are followed, in brackets, by a dominant attitude and its allegiance.
A place’s dominant attitude is the attitude that reigns
in this particular place and which determines the attitude of
the NPCs who live there. Th e allegiance indicates who owns the
place or under whose infl uence it is.
Th roughout these pages the names of certain NPCs are indicated
in bold type: these are contacts. (see Interaction, p.230).
Th e other NPCs are presented in the Cadwallon supplements
reserved to the GM (see Secrets).

Revision as of 14:48, 15 May 2013

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