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(The Fiefdoms of Cadwallon)
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are destined to undertake thrilling investigations and overcome
are destined to undertake thrilling investigations and overcome
tremendous perils.
tremendous perils.
== Chronology ==
== Chronology ==
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*''1003''  Today…
*''1003''  Today…
http://i.imgur.com/BdEGzNk.png http://i.imgur.com/dFxtPE2.png
== History ==
== History ==
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part of the protocol during aristocratic receptions is
part of the protocol during aristocratic receptions is
founded on how many degrees of lineage a guest has.
founded on how many degrees of lineage a guest has.
==== Prosperity ====
==== Prosperity ====
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== Cadwe Identity ==
== Cadwe Identity ==
Th e fi rst thing that may be surprising concerning the peoples
of Aarklash is the fact that they know more about the world
beyond the heavens than the one surrounding their continent!
Among astrologers there are heated debates about such delicate
topics as the true shape of the world, the links between magic
portals and the stars, or the question if Lahn rotates around
Aarklash or vice versa. And yet who can claim to know what
lies beyond the oceans? Truth be told, no one has even bothered
giving a name to the world of which Aarklash is only a continent...
Unless it’s the other way around.
==== Astronomy ====
Th e days and nights follow the rhythm of Aarklash’s revolution
around a gigantic sun which provides a golden light:
Lahn. Two other shining bodies sometimes light the sky above
Cadwallon: Ley, with a pale bluish glow, and Lyth, a twinkling
dark-red pearl. Th e appearances of these twin suns are chaotic
and feed the debate among astronomers. For the Cadwës the
presence of Ley and Lyth in the sky is an omen announcing
disaster and woe, of sudden climatic change, of animal migrations,
or of wide-reaching magical phenomena.
At night a moon, Yllia, lights the sky in its milky, bluish aura.
Th e guild of Cartomancers also uses about 15 constellations
for observations and predictions: the Lion, the Griffi n, the Spider,
the Wolf, and so on. Most Cadwës don’t care much about this for
they rarely ever look up to the stars. Only four of these astral
formations attract attention because of their role in nighttime
navigation. Th ey have been known by the goblins for a long time
and are called Nerea for the north, Sylhea for the south, Elion for
the east, and Olhim for the west.
==== The free year ====
On Aarklash the year of 400 days is usually divided into ten
months. Yet this isn’t so in Cadwallon. Th e guild of Cartomancers
has established an original calendar based on the 22 fi gures of
Vanius and his lieutenants. Th e astronomers themselves use
a much more complex version of this calendar. Most Cadwës
simply use 21 “months” of 19 days each. To these is added a leap
day, the last day of the year, which disappears every four years to
adjust the free calendar to the actual revolution around Lahn.
==== The free year ====
On Aarklash the year of 400 days is usually divided into ten
months. Yet this isn’t so in Cadwallon. Th e guild of Cartomancers
has established an original calendar based on the 22 fi gures of
Vanius and his lieutenants. Th e astronomers themselves use
a much more complex version of this calendar. Most Cadwës
simply use 21 “months” of 19 days each. To these is added a leap
day, the last day of the year, which disappears every four years to
adjust the free calendar to the actual revolution around Lahn.
*''The seasons''
Cadwallon has the same seasons as the rest of Aarklash.
However, in the Free City’s peninsula every season has a specifi
c infl uence.
The first season of the year, the time of banners, corresponds
to spring. Th is is the month of preparation and decorum. Th e
trading posts of the guild of Blades’ companies raise their
orifl ammes and the vessels of the Cadwë fl eet get ready to
leave the port for their commercial expeditions. When the
day comes, the ships gather in fl eets and set off on the seas to
amass new riches. In the Kraken harbor there is then a jubilant
The caravans traveling over land do the same all along the
season, parading up and down the avenues of the lower city.
The most popular spectacle nevertheless remains the departure
of the guild of Blades’ troops clad in their shining armor.
Summer, the season of blades, is the season of the bloodiest
confrontations in which huge armies clash after having roamed
the continent during the previous season. In Cadwallon, too,
the season of blades is placed under the sign of the Rag’narok.
Th e Cadwës know that during this period there is a chance that
an army might besiege the city. Th e duke often sends free leaguers
to patrol the borders and the blacksmiths work twice as
hard to supply the militia’s stock of weapons. Th ough this rarely
happens, the free leaguers can also be sent as ambassadors to
faraway lands. After the sale of their merchandise, the Cadwë fl eets and caravans
return loaded with exotic goods: food for winter, rare
plants, revolutionary tools, new maps, etc. While the Rag’narok
slips into autumn, in Cadwallon the time of return is a period
for reunion... and danger. Mercenaries unsatisfi ed with their
booty prowl the countryside and attack poorly defended caravans.
Once in a while they gather in companies big enough to
attack Cadwallon. Th e free companies therefore remain just as
alert during this season. Maybe this zeal is also motivated by the
allegations of the guilds, which don’t hesitate to blame these depredations
on the free leaguers.
The time of whispers is the season of intrigue and alliances
in preparation for next year. Th e quietness of the night is often
broken by the secret meetings of the guilds strengthening
their relations with the nations that are about to go to war. Th e
duke receives foreign delegations while the common Cadwës
work to produce goods to allow the guilds and the free city to
The season of whispers is also the time of the lawfully feared
raids by the Akkyshans. Th ese elves bound to Darkness take
advantage of the long winter nights to harass the outlying fi efdoms
of the lower city and amass easy plunder.
*''The months''
Because it welcomes people from every nations, Cadwallon
set its own calendar right in the fi rst days of its founding. Th is
was certainly a way to mark its independence. Th e free calendar
was then the object of much debate that was fed by astronomers
from Tir-Nâ-Bor and even those from Laroq.
Th e Cadwë months have known many diff erent names. At
fi rst they were given the names of the Dogs of War’s 21 companies,
and then those of the trump cards of Vanius’s Tarot. A
few years later Duke Lothar passed a decree to change this denomination:
because the original tarot cards had been lost, it
was inconvenient to bind the city’s fate to these artifacts. Th e
duke suggested the names of Vanius and his lieutenants, but
the people reacted vividly to this concealed deifi cation attempt.
Pressured by the Cadwës, the ducal administration developed a
calendar that was truly free of all cultural infl uences.
In this evolution one can glimpse the infl uence of the guilds
in whose eyes a calendar must above all serve the requirements
of production and therefore be functional and rational.
*''The week''
The first day of each month is a free day, meaning a day off . Th e
18 remaining days are divided into three weeks of six days each: the
Prime, the Median and the Final. Th e days don’t have names. One
then speaks of the “fi fth day of the Median of Decarde” or of the
“twelfth Decarde, 1002.”
Th e Cadwë year is dotted with offi cial holidays that are days
off for the inhabitants. Here again, the guilds have made sure
that the holidays are events shared by the whole population so
that production follows an organized pattern.
Th ere is no doubt that the week of Freedom is the most
important holiday. It marks Cadwallon’s independence and is
known all over Aarklash for its colorful carnival where all liberties
are permitted. It takes place between the 2nd and the 7th
of Odecime. For six days the Cadwës don’t work and don’t sleep:
they party. Masks and costumes dance around to all kinds of
music. Overwhelmed, the militia only intervenes to channel the
movement of the biggest crowds and to ensure the protection of
offi cial buildings. In the upper city as well as the lower one the
party is in full swing.
Th e day before Freedom week starts, on the free day of the 1st
of Odecime, the annual free assembly meets in the presence of
the free leaguers and the duke (see About the leagues...). Th e end
of this assembly marks the beginning of the festivities.
Th e week of the Kraken is when the Cadwë merchant fl eet
sets sail. Divided into several fl otillas with each having a diff erent
destination, the vessels leave Kraken harbor one after the other, cheered on by the population. Celebrations are arranged
to wish the sailors luck and the port remains full of life even at
night. Everyone who does not belong to the guild of Ferrymen is
released of their professional duties. Th is holiday lasts from the
14th to the 19th of Quint.
Th e ducal jubilee is a tradition of Akkylannian origin that
celebrates every fi fty years the founding of the Empire of
Akkylannie by Arcavius de Sabran. In Cadwallon the inhabitants
celebrate every year their duke’s accession to power. Den
Azhir claimed this title of the 15th of Octose, 996, so it is on this
date that the Cadwës honor him. A procession is organized in
every fi efdom and they all join in front of the ducal palace. Th is
event is important for it is the only occasion on which groups
of citizens from the lower city are allowed to enter the upper
city. Th ese processions are of course supervised by the militia.
Traditionally, when the processions unite, the free leaguers renew
their allegiance to the duke.Th e Day of Ashes and the Day of Lanterns can’t go without
the other. Th ough they aren’t celebrated on the same day,
both represents the struggle between the Ways of Light and the
Meanders of Darkness.
Th e Day of Lanterns commemorates the Battle of Kaïber and
takes place on the last day of the season of blades, the 10th of
Ondre. All day long the children go wild and pretend to be warriors
with sticks or metal bars. As for the adults, they decorate
the walls of all houses with countless lanterns that will light up
the night before the time of return. Usually the refugees bound
to the Meanders of Darkness go into hiding. Sometimes things
get out of hand and people get lynched. Th e fact that the refugees
suff ered more from their nations policy than the Cadwës
doesn’t matter much.
Th e Day of Ashes takes place on the last day of the time of
return, the 15th of Hexadime. Cadwallon turns into a dead city.
During the previous night the hearths are kept burning so the
city remains lit. The next day the remaining ashes are scattered
all over the city. Th ese ashes are supposed to keep the dead at
bay by giving them the impression that Cadwallon is a ghost
town where nothing lives. Rare are those who would dare step
outside, and those who do carefully respect the taboo of the day:
never to look someone in the eye. Th erefore the passersby walk
with their head bowed and a hood over their head. Even the militiamen
hate having to check an individual’s identity.
The Day of Flowering takes place on every 12th of Privime.
It celebrates the spotting of the fi rst magical groves after the
“deforestation” of the ruins by the Dogs of War (see further).
Th e orcs are the ones who observe this holiday, as well as the
traditions linked to it, the most carefully. On this occasion the
shakas improvise ceremonies devoted to Cadwallon’s fl owering
nature in most of these groves. Regardless of their origins and
their beliefs, many Cadwës participate in these ceremonies.
Th e beginning of each season is also a holiday. Th ese aren’t the
actual beginnings of a season on Aarklash (equinoxes and solstices),
but rather days that the guilds have set to celebrate the coming
of a new Cadwë season. Th ese days thus give the illusion that the
seasons identical in length, even though in reality they aren’t (winter
is the shortest season and summer is the longest one).
Time of Banners 1st of Asce
Season of Blades 6th of Sixte
Time of Return 11th of Ondre
Season of Whispers 16th of Hexadîme
In Cadwallon it is strictly forbidden to celebrate the equinoxes
and solstices since Vanius’s rule. Th e reasons for this prohibition
are unknown and not all refugees respect it.
Th e day that the curse hit the Free City for the fi rst time is still
commemorated, for it is closely bound to recurring events that
are well known by the Cadwës. Th at day the lake’s water carried
a putrid stench and hundreds of corpses. Th e city’s sources of
drinking water were infected, causing countless intoxications,
while mephitic emanations had the inhabitants fl ee into the
To this day the tide of the dead still strikes the city occasionally,
however less violently than in the past. Th e Cadwës know that days
of heavy rain foreshadow this morbid event, therefore they lock
themselves in at home, stock up on potable water, and clean their
dwellings with gallons of boiling water.
Th e fi rst tide of the dead greatly infl uenced the life of
Cadwallon by causing an intense fear of death and of its eff ects
on the body. Th erefore, most corpses are burnt in order to prevent
“polluting” the ground with the unsanitary body fl uids of
the deceased. Th e most notorious funeral parlor is at the edge of
the lake, a good distance from the nearest dwellings.
==== The Cadwë language ====
Cadwë is a language that perfectly refl ects the nature of the
City of Th ieves. Based on the jargon of the Dogs of War and
Akkylannian grammar (which is especially easy to learn), it is
now a potpourri of various infl uences. Barhan, Akkylannian
and Syhar are the tongues that infl uence most Cadwë. Other
sources have durably aff ected this language: many technical
terms come from the dwarven language of Gheim and goblin
navigation terms. Ogre insults are surely the most commonly
used and widely preferred.
Cadwë is thus a language that is rich in multilingual references,
in neologisms, and in original sayings. Under perpetual
construction, it absorbs all cultures and tends to spread all
over Aarklash. Th e language used in the upper city is nevertheless
more structured and less changing. It is based mainly
on the languages of the four embassies (Alahan, Akkylannie,
Syharhalna and No-Dan-Kar). Th e use of Cynwäll terms, however,
is always impressive!
== Cadwallon : Double City ==
Because it is built on top of the ruins of a Cynwäll city,
the upper city is in an enclosed citadel. Th e lower city,
on the other hand, has developed outside of the walls
lying at the feet of the legendary Dyrsin Tower.
Th e works planned by the various dukes haven’t always been
very successful. Even though the city has prospered in all parts,
many of its districts are especially crowded, making circulation
in the higher city as bad as in the lower city.
==== Getting Around ====
Th e Cadwës, at the urging of the more advanced communities
(dwarves and goblins), have developed several ways of getting
around in their city. Th e Jewel of Lanever has thus known an
unrivalled technological, scientifi c and industrial revolution on
the continent. Th is metamorphosis was accompanied by economic
and social advances that also came from No-Dan-Kar
and Tir-Nâ-Bor. Th is is so true that many immigrants think that
the city’s motto is “In Cadwallon, everything can be bought” instead
of “My kingdom for a ducat!”
No matter where one might be in the city, visiting Cadwallon
demands either unfailing courage and health or enough wealth
to be able to pay for effi cient yet extremely expensive means of
==== On water ====
Cadwallon lies across a vast peninsula. For strategic reasons
the city occupies the whole stretch of land to allow for better
surveillance of the waters lying on either side of it. Th us the Free
City protects the lands of Light from potential invasions. As for
the upper city, it engulfs the northern part of a lake that Cadwës
call the “little sea.”
*''By way of the sea''
In the north of the peninsula the Kraken harbor is the continent’s
biggest merchant port. It harbors vessels of the open seas
as well as a squadron of goblin pirates that ensures their “protection.”
Once on land, the visitor has a choice of several means
of locomotion: the bravest can walk, others can take a carriage,
and the wealthiest can use the Tractor. One can also reach the
port of Ondine, to the west, taking a small ferry. Th is maritime
route is used by the extremely wealthy who enjoy the view of the
city before reaching the fi efdom of Soma.
One can also reach Cadwallon by Shipwreck Bay, to the east.
Th e naval forces of the Ways of Light often choose to drop anchor
in these waters, for they are defended by an Akkylannian
fort built on a small island. Whoever wishes to use this route
must get clearance and strictly follow the instructions given by
the fort’s garrison. A cutter is then used to reach the upper city.
Th is journey re “Ducats make the strangers’ quires a generous donation to be made.
In Cadwallon the magical groves are one of nature’s
curiosities. Regardless of place or time, in a totally unpredictable
way, an abundance of plants sprouts anywhere,
on the street or in someone’s home. For Cadwës
these plants are a good omen of Nature, especially for
peoples such as the Sessairs, the orcs or the Wolfen.
Destroying a magical grove is a crime in the city. Th ese
small “jungles” are a great source of inspiration for
the designers of the guild of Tailors and the vegetal
fashions of the Cadwë nobles are a direct reference to
*''The waters of the lake''
For a long time the Cadwës of the upper city have enjoyed
the lake next to the gardens of desire. Th ese past few years the
construction of a marina has made boating easier on the little
sea. Certain of Cadwallon’s citizens have had piers built to take
better advantage of the lake. Th e city’s most wealthy families
quickly followed and now there are talks about organizing a regatta.
Th is persistent rumor has lasted for so long that it has
encouraged the construction of extravagant vessels built by
goblin or Barhan carpenters. By doing so sly craftsmen were
able to resell the wood from the trees that had been chopped
down to build the marina. Th e new district also allowed the development
of fi shing in the waters of the little sea. Th is activity
sometimes seems like a party when humongous fi sh are pulled
from the lake.
==== On land ====
In many parts of the lower city it is faster to walk than to
travel by carriage. Always looking for more comfort, the richest
citizens often use carriages, yet they take much longer than
pedestrians do to reach their destination. Indeed, the vendor’s
carts and stalls hinder the circulation of elegant carriages. In
some alleys even horsemen have a hard time making their way
through the tightly packed crowds.
*''Cadwë roads''
Some parts of Soma lie inside old Cynwäll quarries and are
the most densely populated areas of the Free City. Th e dwellings
are stacked on top of each other on either side of narrow streets.
It is dangerous to travel there in any other way than on foot.
Th ese slums are home to a population living in misery and it
often happens that visitors are annoyed by beggars or attacked
by ruffi ans.
Th e streets of the lower city are worn by the weather and
the passage of overloaded carts. Th ough everyone agrees that
improvement of these roads is long overdue, only the Soma
family has actually done anything. Th eir fi efdom is indeed endowed
with better streets and a major artery, Paradise Avenue,
to make it easier for wagons to travel from the port of Ondine
to the upper city.
In the upper city, getting around is mainly question of hiring
the proper guide. Th ere are countless bridges linking the feet of
Dyrsin Tower and many of them are too narrow for wagons to
get over. Yet one can walk or ride along them, though the use of
mounts is strongly discouraged for safety reasons.
After three years of colossal construction, the Tractor has
fi nally been fi nished! Th is gigantic steam machine does the
round-trip between the Kraken harbor and the Ogrokh fi efdom
four times per day, pulling fi ve wagons (four for goods and one
for passengers).
It’s impossible for this mechanical monster to enter the upper
city. Th e goods are therefore transported from the gates to
the warehouses of the Stock. Once it is moving, it reaches the
speed of a trotting horse and does the trip in one hour. Initially
planned for 40 passengers, the last wagon is the victim of its
success. Its seats have therefore been removed to allow about
100 passengers of all sizes to squeeze in.
====In the air====
Airborne transportation has been developed under the infl uence
of the aristocrats who, taking advantage of the Cynwäll
towers still standing, use hot air balloons for transportation in
the upper city. Unfortunately the strong winds that blow on the
coast prevent this form of transportation from becoming more
widespread. Furthermore, one can often see Lanever dragons
glide across the sky of Cadwallon to visit their titanic kin in the
Dyrsin Tower.
== The Fiefdoms of Cadwallon ==
The following pages present the 11 fi efdoms of Cadwallon:
eight in the lower city and three in the upper city. The fiefdoms
and their districts are all presented in the same way.
A map presents each fiefdom and its most famous districts. It
is accompanied by a short description of the fiefdom’s population
as well as of the motto of the governing family at its head.
This also includes information that is useful for the game: dominant
attitude, meaning the attitude that is the most common
among the NPCs who live in the fiefdom, and the FAITH, which
is used for the miracles of the faithful.
The history, the ruling family and the intrigues that are linked
to the fiefdom’s inhabitants follow the presentation of the atmosphere
during the day or at night.
The most famous districts are then presented with the dominant
attitude and the FAITH that are specific to each one.
Several locations are introduced for each district. Their names
are followed, in brackets, by a dominant attitude and its allegiance.
A place’s dominant attitude is the attitude that reigns
in this particular place and which determines the attitude of
the NPCs who live there. The allegiance indicates who owns the
place or under whose infl uence it is.
Throughout these pages the names of certain NPCs are indicated
in bold type: these are contacts. (see Interaction, p.230).
Th e other NPCs are presented in the Cadwallon supplements
reserved to the GM (see Secrets).

Latest revision as of 17:06, 26 June 2013

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