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are destined to undertake thrilling investigations and overcome
are destined to undertake thrilling investigations and overcome
tremendous perils.
tremendous perils.
== Chronology ==
255 Settlement of goblin exiles (Kraken Harbor)
832 Founding of Cadwallon, the Free City
833 Charter of the leagues decreed by Vanius I.
    Establishment of the Barhan embassy
    Ennobling of Racllk of Kraken and creation of the fi efdom
834 Repairing of the Cynwäll automat, which becomes
    the symbol of the eponymous fi efdom
835 Charter of the fi efdoms and the peers decreed by Vanius I.
843 Johann of Drakaër is granted the privilege of
    riding a dragon
844 Creation of the Free University of Cadwallon
859 Founding of the fi efdom of Ogrokh
900 The Great fl ood devastates the city’s districts
902 Sale of the Rampart fi efdom to the Orrkrk family (Rampart)
    Declaration of the non-transferability of the fi efdoms
932 Expropriation of the Markropets by the Duke (Trophy)
    Granting of the Trophy fi efdom to Bran Standing-Wind
950 The duke claims the island of the Choltry
955 The plague in Morgue Street,
    which is placed into quarantine (Soma)
956 Invasion attempt by Water Elementals
    Creation of the fi efdom of Ghieronburg
957 The free leaguers burn down Morgue Street (Soma)
958 Building of the Denerac Villa (Ghieronburg)
961 Construction of the catacrypts (Ghieronburg)
962 Appearance of Baron Mardi (Ghieronburg)
963 Founding of the Gamehead fi efdom
966 The Tamarez Canal scandal (Ghieronburg)
969 Discovery of the dome of the Skinner (Gamehead)
972 Settling of the Barhan embassy in the Soma fi efdom
983 The great Akkyshan raid that led
    to the rebirth of the leagues
988 Large riots in Kraken leading
    to the death of the Peer
991 Massive strike of the Ferrymen
992 Adoption of Den Azhir by Camelia Orrkrk (Rampart)
    Founding of the guild of Birders (Immobilis)
995 Accession of Duke Den Azhir
996 Extension of the birthright
    and of the free duty (free leaguers)
999 Beginning of the construction of the Tractor
    Appearance of the coiling emissaries on the Day of Ashes
1002 Wedding of Racllk to Oklair Odazzur (Kraken)
    Assassination of Urakh Khaurik Argam (Orgokh)
1003 Today…

Revision as of 10:31, 15 May 2013

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