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the deceased. Th e most notorious funeral parlor is at the edge of
the deceased. Th e most notorious funeral parlor is at the edge of
the lake, a good distance from the nearest dwellings.
the lake, a good distance from the nearest dwellings.
==== The Cadwë language ====
Cadwë is a language that perfectly refl ects the nature of the
City of Th ieves. Based on the jargon of the Dogs of War and
Akkylannian grammar (which is especially easy to learn), it is
now a potpourri of various infl uences. Barhan, Akkylannian
and Syhar are the tongues that infl uence most Cadwë. Other
sources have durably aff ected this language: many technical
terms come from the dwarven language of Gheim and goblin
navigation terms. Ogre insults are surely the most commonly
used and widely preferred.
Cadwë is thus a language that is rich in multilingual references,
in neologisms, and in original sayings. Under perpetual
construction, it absorbs all cultures and tends to spread all
over Aarklash. Th e language used in the upper city is nevertheless
more structured and less changing. It is based mainly
on the languages of the four embassies (Alahan, Akkylannie,
Syharhalna and No-Dan-Kar). Th e use of Cynwäll terms, however,
is always impressive!

Revision as of 14:12, 15 May 2013

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