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Scientifi cally engineered to be formidable warriors, the orcs have been one of Aarklash’s
most warlike peoples since their creation. Proud and strong, they have broken the chains
of slavery and are fi ghting for freedom. All the orcs have ever known is war, but they are
determined to build a peaceful civilization upon the ruins of the Rag’narok.
== History ==
Th e technomancers of the
Scorpion, in their quest to engineer
an army of slaves that
would be both strong and fast
breeding, created the orcs in
their cloning tanks during the
age of steel. Th is was a major
mistake on the Syhar’s behalf: the
orcs rebelled in 853 and their escape
was a bloodbath. Most of them found
refuge in the parched canyons
Bran-Ô-Kor; others crossed the continent to
establish themselves on the frozen
heights of the mountains of the Behemoth.
Centuries have passed without the orcs being able to found
a nation or get any kind of recognition from the other peoples
of Aarklash. No matter where they tried to settle, it would
emerge as a constant theatre of conflict between Light and
Darkness; unwelcome on their own land and caught between
a rock and a hard place, the orcs were forced to keep fi ghting
for survival. Nevertheless, they managed to gather in tribes
organized around their chiefs.
Both communities fi nally managed to re-establish contact
when the Rag’narok burst out. Inspired by the dream of fi nally
forming a sovereign people, they left their homes and took destiny
into their own hands. Th e unbelievable violence of the Rag’narok,
which had long turned their refuges into battlefi elds for Light and
Darkness, had blown away their hopes, as they fl ed to avoid destruction.
When the diff erent orc communities fi nally met, it was
on an even larger battlefi eld: Avagddu, the crossroads of civilization.
Accompanied by the other peoples of the Paths of Destiny,
they gathered around the Eagle and fought fi ercely for every blade
of grass, every thicket and every tree of their new promised land.
so long.
== Rackn'arok ==
Th e orcs have understood that the Rag’narok is unavoidable.
Th e Armies of the Ways of Light and the Meanders of Darkness
are meant to tear each other apart. In the end all there
will be left will be ruin and dust. Th e orcs will still be standing
though! Th eir people, inspired by ideals of freedom, are determined
to found their own civilization around the Tree-Spirit
even if it means resorting to brute force. Th e other nations are
giving them no other choice. Th e ferocity of the orcs towards
their enemies has doubled since the reunion of the two tribes:
nothing can prevent them from accomplishing their destiny.
Th e orcs have many reasons to fi ght. First, they must ensure
their survival. Th ey have
rooted the Tree-Spirit in earth
that has been burnt many
times and drenched in the
blood of even more people. Th e
feeling of brotherhood holding
this young nation together
is a matter of survival. Second,
orcs cherish their freedom
above anything else and many
are those who would like to see
them in shackles once again.
Having once broken their
chains, they are determined
to break the necks of anyone
attempting to oppress them.
Finally, the orcs fi ght to emerge
victorious from the Rag’narok.
Once the war is over their civilization
shall stand proud on
the plains of Avaggdu. Only
then will the warriors be allowed to bury their weapons and, at
last, taste the peace they sought for
so long.
== Army ==
Th e army of the Tree-Spirit is
characterized by the strength of its
fi ghters. From their point of view,
the best way to protect oneself is to
crush the enemy before he even realizes
what is happening.
Perpetually at war, the orcs do not
number that many yet. Even though
they show great endurance in combat,
they do not have the means to
manufacture elaborate armor and
complex ranged weapons. Th ey rely
on rudimentary, yet tough, technology
and on material looted from the
enemy to supply their army. Any
other weakness is compensated for by the intervention of shamanic
spirits summoned by their magicians or by the blessings
Elokani bestows on them through his faithful. Th e orcs
believe in a strong mind in a strong body!
Every orc is a fi ghter who will raise his weapons whenever
the wind carries the echo of war.
Brutes and wind warriors form the most numerous units
of the Tree-Spirit. Th ey are supported by crossbowman and
incendiaries who, after having covered the advance of the rest
of the army, will gladly jump into the fray.
Jackal warriors and stone warriors are the elite of their people.
Equipped with oversized weapons and hardened by years
of battles, they are a challenge for anything sent their way.

Revision as of 11:13, 22 May 2013

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